Thursday, November 18, 2010


First I have created a slight monster! I really do have a method to my madness and often take a moment to explain to my family the importance of folding my towels in half, then half again then folding 3 times over (they fit in the linen closet better), or how much pretty your bed looks with all the lines straight or how there is a certain place in which all the glasses go in the cabinet so guess what....YOU CAN EASILY FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR!!! Simple rules of organization and me maintaining my sanity! Well this morning I was upstairs switching the laundry and I heard Brianna downstairs making Nics lunch fussing at Shay for helping her! The conversation went as follows.....

Bri: Shay if your gonna help then you need to do it right! You cant make someone elses lunch and not do it right!

Shay: Bri I am...

Bri: No your not...FIRST you put in the drink then you add the banana but you have to stand it up and then you pack the yogurt and the treat around it! Thats how you do it RIGHT!


Second, why do the schools insist on making me feel like the worst mom EVER! They make us accountable for SO MANY things, sign this, oh and this....wait and this to! Lets not forget were doing Book it read to your kid EVERYNIGHT and keep track of it on this form but dont forget the classroom reading list right it on there too and that oh yeah you should SIGN! WTF???????? I have 3 kids, 3 folders, 3 sets of homework to check, and 3 kids to run all over the god flippin place for sports...wait dont forget dinner, baths, teeth being brushed, clothes being laid out! WHO THE FUCK has time to sign EVERYTHING! Nic is read a story every night....if he doesnt its because I take it as punishment he HATES that! But after I tuck my kids in and read and kiss goodnight I retreat to my bathroom to shower and ready myself for bed. I never go back downstairs and fill out all the freaking reading logs! I look at his list and see that I havent written on them since September therefore making the teacher think I am a piece of shit mother who doesnt read to her kids! Well let me tell you something...I have read to my kids since they were inutero which is why they are SUPER SMART and ahead of the learning curve anyway. I dont have time to record all my daily actions and sign every single flippin piece of paper in the 100 different places between all 3 kids! Judging by the good behavior and the consistant homework being turned in on time and the HONOR ROLL my girls are always ON I think I am doing something right! Please forgive me for not signing and writing every life detail down in the planner or behavior folder! If my son gets in trouble I know cause he hands me his bookbag and says....I dont want you to check my folder! So if he doesnt do that I assume he has a smily face! Also, I am sure you already know who the piece of shit parents are in your classroom but I can assure you I am a busy and full involved mother and lack of attention is not welcome in this house..just know I dont have time to intial this or sign that THANKS!

Third, I have crossed over to the darkside and I am going Black Friday shopping! Wish me LUCK!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I went last year and had a minor panic attack in Walmart. Oye.
