Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Christmas lists!

Here they go.....I will also be typing EXACTLY how they are written.

BRI....The OLDEST at 10 yrs old

1. King Arthur Book.
2. Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Series
3. Diary of a wimpy kid series
4. Cracker! The best dog in Vietnam (book)
5. The Rest of the Spiderwick Chronicles (I have 1 & 2)
6. Real Diary
7. Wolf Animal Figure (Like the horses I get at Easter)
8. Bunny figure set (Includes 2 bunnies, hutch house and fence)
9. I tunes Card
10. Interactive Globe
11. Origami Book
12. Soccer Video game
13. Vampire Diaries Poster
14. New Lava Lamp
15. PSP Games
16. Art Set ( Includes: Oil Pastels, crayons, pens, and markers)
17. Earrings and Necklaces

Quiet Through I must say!

Shay's.....The Middle at 8yrs old

1. The spy whatch that takes pictures and video
2. A bascetball
3. makeup set
4. Barbie/vet set with puppy
5. Moxie Girl/snow moxin girl
6. A Penguin Pez or iny pez
7. Horse Set of horses in my poket
8. A set of Polly Pokets
9. Monkey earings/Peace sine earing
10. Clairs card
11. Fish Lava lamp with fish in it from target.

Gotta love spelling!

Pickles's....The baby at 6 yrs old

1. An optimus Prime robot fighre
2. A little red car thing
3. DSI
3. DSI games
5. Stuffed Hockey player
6. Tech Deck
7. Criss Cross Crash race track.
8. Coloring books
9. A fake computer game
10. Closes {he means clothes cause he growed out his pants, his words :) }
11. A toy monkey
12. A toy horses

I think this is a dueable list but u sear it makes me laugh

WTH is a red car thing?? This is going to be interesting shopping! I hope Santa can pull this off and hopefully he knows what it is!


  1. Those are the kind of list Santa likes to see. I can't get over how Bri asked for so many books. That is so so amazing! And my favorite thing is Nic's "fake computer game". Love it!

  2. I have some earrings and necklaces for Bri! They can be from the holiday armadillo. :)
