Thursday, October 22, 2009

Then and Now Thursday!

I guess haven't really thought to much and the past life I have been a mom for the last 9.5 years! But here goes nothing......

Here is me 16 years old carefree enjoying my Senior year of High School!! Life was about the next big party, who was dating who, and god forbid..Where you were places in the social standings of your high school cool crew!!


I never at that time thought I would be where I am today. I had no plans for my future. My best friend and I were going to pack the car on her graduation day and move far far away from Maryland. Fate.....had other ideas. One month after graduation I met the love of my life....


Along came the wedding and the baby in the baby carriage. And Now here I am 12 years later. Diapers, car pool, potty training, bras, boys, dance recitals, matchbox cars, and late night house cleaning after everyone is fast asleep....


Same husband, 3 children, two dogs, and more love than I thought I EVER deserved! Some days I may think to myself I didn't plan on this, this was not how I envisioned my life. But I can look at the 3 children I brought into this world and think how could life really be any better than this!

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet post. Thanks for sharing. Also I love your header shot.
